Practical Advice

Our aim is to give clear, helpful advice that you can actually implement in your business.  This page is the only time you will see us using long words like, “whereinafter” and “hereinbefore”; and we promise never to use latin or legalease (unless you really want us too!).

Our goal is to understand your problems, and offer you solutions.   We want to save you time and money by helping you identify risks and find ways to deal with them before a problem arises.  Here are couple of examples of how we do this; but for more information, please do get in touch:

Reviewing a contract that you are being asked to enter into

Our contract reviews are based on identifying areas of risk,  We wont just repeat what the contract says, we will highlight the clauses that we think are most likely to cause a problem in your business.  We will explain why we think it’s an issue and what you can do about it.  If there’s an alternative or compromise position, we’ll suggest one.  If you can take practical steps to mitigate the risk, we’ll suggest those too.  And we’ll make sure that the contract reflects the terms that you think have been agreed.

Drafting a tailor-made contract just for you

Similarly, when we draft contracts, we take time to understand your business and what you need the contract to do.  This means that we can focus on the things that are important to you, instead of arguing over legal points that are unlikely to be an issue in reality.  Focussing on what’s really important means you get a more useful agreement; you save time and you get better value for money.